Learn From Those We Envy

We often get caught up comparing ourselves to others. Whether it be material measures of success, physical ability or just how “lucky” everybody else seems.

Instead of giving in to the green jealous monster, we should develop the attitude of always learning from those people. Great competitors whether it be CEOs or professional athletes always value having a challenging contender. The reason being is that a tougher contender helps reveal the gaps and weaknesses that they currently have.

People who appear to always be lucky in their endeavors rarely are. They’ve spent time and energy developing themselves and their relationships to get to where they are. That being said, of course there are situations where some people are more advantaged than others. But in reality, life isn’t fair. Some people start further head than others but that doesn’t mean that you should give up all together. It is an indication that you need to work even harder to catch up.

So the next time you get jealous  of somebody else’s success, status or achievement, make a point of studying what it is they did to get where they are. And then emulate them and work your butt off.

13 thoughts on “Learn From Those We Envy

  1. I only jealous sometimes about how productive some people are. But it is positive emotion, because apart from that feeling I wish them to succeed 🙂 . It is also because of selfish reason: I like when I have such good examples in front of me 😉

  2. Matt,

    Great advice. I especially love this reminder:

    “But in reality, life isn’t fair. Some people start further head than others but that doesn’t mean that you should give up all together. It is an indication that you need to work even harder to catch up.”

    Way too many people today are focused on evening the playing field instead of focusing on how they personally can put in the work to catch up. Life is full of abundant opportunities. Those who are focused and willing to put in the work will take full advantage of those opportunities.

    Appreciate the insight.

    –Brandon (www.Proverbsandbiz.wordpress.com)

    • Thanks for sharing Brandon! I find that I’m always constantly reminding myself about this because it’s so easy to forget where we came from.

  3. Awesome Read! I Usually Read Finance Stuff, But This Article Really Caught My Attention, Good Work!

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